Special Needs Trusts Part 2: Selecting a Trustee

July 18th, 2024|

Previously, I discussed the types and applications of various Special Needs Trusts (SNTs). I highly encourage you to review the previous article for comprehensive information on the subject. However, here is a brief synopsis of my previous article for your reference: A Special Needs Trust is a type of trust[...]

  • trustee-trustor-beneficiary

Short Explanation of Trust Terms By Attorney Allyson S.Heller of Tyre Law Group, Covina

July 8th, 2024|

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CRx5ormTXAg There can be some confusion regarding the different terminology associated with Trusts. Attorney Allyson S. Heller sits down to discuss the most important Trust terms. Trustor, sometimes referred to as the Settler or Grantor., A Trustor is the person or in the case of a married couple[...]

Most Trusts Need To Be Closed By Tony J. Tyre, Esq.

May 21st, 2024|

Many people visit our office holding their parents' family home within a trust created by their parents, often years after both parents have passed away. What most of these people don't realize is that once a trust has fulfilled its purpose, it should typically be defunded, and the assets should[...]

  • Trusts and Wills: What’s The Difference Between a Trust and Will?

Trusts and Wills: What’s The Difference Between a Trust and Will?

April 22nd, 2024|

Understanding the Differences & Benefits of Trusts and Wills in Estate Planning Covina, CA Trusts and Wills are the two of the most commonly used estate planning documents, and they form the foundation of most estate plans. While both documents are legal vehicles designed to distribute your assets in Covina,[...]

  • Estate Planning for Young Adults

Estate Planning for Young Adults

April 11th, 2024|

Estate planning is a process that allows you to protect your loved ones by avoiding the expensive and time-consuming probate court process. Estate planning is not just for older adults but is equally important for young adults who have recently gained legal independence. This planning ensures that parents can continue[...]